09 October 2011

Cyrene featured by the World Seagrass Association

Cyrene's amazing seagrass meadows are featured on the World Seagrass Association blog, thanks to Siti Maryam Yaakub who manages the blog.
Shipping next to Cyrene Reef
This was a great opportunity to share with seagrass scientists and workers around the world, Cyrene's rich seagrass meadows, despite its location in the middle of this ‘Industrial Triangle’.

25 September 2011

Cyrene Reef at the Biodiversity of Singapore Symposium III (24 Sep 11)

Jocelyn Sze shares more about Cyrene Reef and the work done by TeamSeagrass on the Reef, with the VIPs attending the Biodiversity of Singapore Symposium III.
How nice to be able to share about Cyrene Reef with the more than 300 people who attended the Symposium!

07 August 2011

Sharing Cyrene with CEOs NParks and URA

Last week, I had the pleasure of sharing Cyrene with two CEOs!
We had a great time exploring Cyrene's rich marine life!

22 July 2011

Cyrene sea star featured in Singapore biodiversity poster

The Cyrene Reef Pentaceraster sea star is featured in the poster of "A Decade of Amazing Discoveries" by the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research!
Click on image for a larger view
Thanks to Kai-xin for using my photo and giving me the soft copy of the gorgeous poster! For more about the celebration of "Decade of biodiversity discoveries and conservation in Singapore".

12 May 2011

Been to Cyrene: "Exceeding expectations"

"I was in anticipation after being able to go to Cyrene - expecting to see stuff on other intertidal shores of Singapore", says Tony.
Knobbly that seems to have raised its arm to "shake hands" -
remarks Tony of this photo he shared.
"However, I was able to see far more than I had seen before!"

09 May 2011

Been to Cyrene: "An ecological jewel"

Azlin says: I'm thankful for this ecological jewel in the midst of a busy busy “highway”.
Cyrene lies in the middle of an "Industrial Triangle" and busy shipping lanes.

Been to Cyrene: "Mother Nature's treasure"

"It's great to be back with Mother Nature again and this always put life back into perspective for me," says Teck Hui.
Teck Hui recently visited Cyrene and is great at spotting the fascinating marine life there! She shares this scuffle among tiny moon crabs over a colourful shrimp.

22 March 2011

Been to Cyrene: "Go visit at least once in your life!"

"It's a reef? A sea reef? It's off an island? Oh, it's part of an island? Erm it has starfish and other cool looking animals, corals on it. Do I get to see a 'Nemo'?". Probably common questions if I were to ask a land lover who's never been to our country's smaller islands (Mainland Singapore, Tekong and Sentosa doesn't count!!).
Just one of Andrew's many gorgeous photos of Cyrene.
So begins Andrew as he shares awesome photos and stories of his trip to Cyrene on his One° North Explorers blog.

22 February 2011

Been to Cyrene: "A safari-load of animals!"

To probably anyone else around the area, it’s just a patch of rocks and sand.
Glorious weather over Cyrene, photo by Clarence Chua.
But take a boat out and take a close peek ....

25 January 2011

Cyrene sea cucumber featured in global study

Thanks to Andy, Cyrene is included in the Ohio State University's Uncovering an Ancient Tree of Life video clip

giant synaptic sea cucumber ! ....from outaspace from BeachBum on Vimeo.

More on Andy's blog and check out his other awesome video clips of Singapore's marine life!

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